Watershed Council News: January 8, 2013

Jan. 15 Climate Change Subcommittee Meeting
A Climate Change Subcommittee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, from 10:00 am – noon in the Topping Room of the EP Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street. At this meeting we will continue work on an assessment of our specific vulnerabilities to climate change in the watershed. Meeting agenda.

Here is a draft Vulnerability Assessment table that offers a starting point for our discussion (this file may not open when you click on it, but it should download). This table is structured differently than the version presented at the last Watershed Council meeting, and input from that meeting has been added.

The table is a good start, but it needs your input. It needs specifics. It needs details, names, locations and nuances that will lift it up out of “generic” and transform it into a more personal reflection of our watershed and the specific vulnerabilities we are facing from the changing climate. Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, we welcome your input on this subject (preferably in advance of the meeting).

If you plan to come to next week’s meeting, please let me know if you haven’t already, as we may send more information to the subcommittee members before the meeting.

WEAP Model Training Being Planned
As part of their Ventura River watershed student project, UCSB Bren students will be offering a training in use of the WEAP model software that they have been using in their project. WEAP, which stands for Water Evaluation And Planning, is a modeling tool for integrated watershed planning that has important potential for our watershed planning efforts. Knowing how to use the software will allow us to build upon the database that the student’s have already started in the model. More information on the model.

Here is a link to the Bren students’ presentation, made at December’s Watershed Council meeting, which explains their project and use of the model more specifically.

In order to plan for the WEAP Model training, the students need a sense of how many people might be interested in attending. Please let me know by January 22 whether you are interested.

Jan. 14 Public Review Meeting for the Proposed TMDL for Pumping & Diversion
The U.S. EPA has prepared a draft TMDL for Ventura River, reaches 3 and 4, for water pumping and diversion-related impairments. There will be a Public Review Meeting on the draft TMDL regulation on Monday, January 14, 2013, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. The meeting is at EPA’s Southern California Field Office, 600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1460, Los Angeles, CA  90017.

Public Notice

January 22, 2013, at 5 pm is the deadline to submit written comments on the draft TMDL for EPA’s consideration. Comments can be sent electronically to lin.cindy@epa.gov or by mail to Cindy Lin (WTR-2), US Environmental Protection Agency, Southern California Field Office, 600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1460, Los Angeles, CA  90017. For questions, contact Cindy Lin at (213) 244-1803 or lin.cindy@epa.gov

Jan. 26 Native Plant Butterfly Garden Workshop
As part of their ongoing series of educational workshops on reducing water use, the Casitas Municipal Water District will hold a free workshop on Saturday, January 26, from 9:00 am to noon. Michael Glenn, a US Fish and Wildlife biologist, will be one of the speakers. Workshop flier. An RSVP is required as space is limited. Contact Ron Merckling at 805/649-2251 ext 118 or rmerckling@casitaswater.com.

Clean Beaches Initiative Grant Program Accepting Applications
The Clean Beaches Initiative grant program provides funding for projects that restore and protect the water quality and environment of coastal waters, estuaries, bays and near-shore waters. The program was initiated in response to poor water quality and significant exceedences of bacterial indicators at California’s beaches. Applications are being accepted through January 31, 2013.

For information on the grant program, go to: www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/beaches/cbi_projects/index.shtml
The contact at the state is Spencer.Joplin@WaterBoards.CA.Gov or 916-341-5636.