Watershed Council News: February 21, 2013

Master Archive of Project & Program ideas (MAPP)
Get Your Projects on the MAPP!
We need to start working on project and program ideas now for two reasons: 1) in order to provide a list from our watershed, by the end of June, for inclusion in the update to the Ventura County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan IRWMP, and 2) to developing a working draft list for our watershed management plan.

We’ve created a draft spreadsheet, called the Master Archive of Project & Program ideas – or MAPP for short, which contains a preliminary list of project ideas gleaned, by me, over the last year. The ideas come from existing plans, reports and studies; meetings and conversations; from our October 2012 Public Scoping Meeting feedback; and from watershed management plans from other areas.

This list is simply a starting point for the development of our watershed management plan’s project/program priorities. It is meant to generate ideas-to be edited, added to and revised.

We are looking for preliminary input on the draft MAPP in advance of the upcoming TAC meetings discussed below. Please submit your comments by March 4 for the meeting on March 7, and by March 11 for the meeting on March 14, so I can send out an updated MAPP ahead of those meetings.

Here are the review documents:
MAPP – (draft) Master Archive of Project & Program ideas in Excel (this will download, but may not automatically open)

MAPP Instructions

Project & Program ideas only (draft), in Word for easier review/editing (this will download, but may not automatically open)

Approved Goals & Objectives

Change In March 14 TAC Meeting Time
I mistakenly scheduled the three March 14 2013 TAC meetings at the same time as the Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County Steering Committee meeting. So those TAC meetings have been moved to the afternoon instead. The new schedule is:

March 14, 2013 – TAC meetings to work on draft project/program lists
1:15 – 2:15 pm – Access to Nature
2:30 – 3:30 pm – Healthy Ecosystems
3:45  – 4:45 – Responsible Land & Resource Mgmt.
(Coordinated Watershed Planning will be discussed at each of the above meetings)

The March 7, 2013 meetings schedule remains the same:
8:30 – 9:30 am – Sufficient Local Water Supplies
9:45 am – 10:45 am – Clean Water
11:00 am – Noon – Integrated Flood Mgmt.
(Coordinated Watershed Planning will be discussed at each of the above meetings)

Meetings both days will be at the EP Foster Topping Room, 651 E. Main Street, Ventura. Again, all are welcome at these meetings.

Flood Presentations from Feb. Council Meeting

If you missed the February 7 2013 Watershed Council meeting, here is the “Floods in the Ventura River Watershed” presentation that I gave and the “Arkstorm Exercise in Emergency Response” that Sergio Vargas, Deputy Director of Ventura County Watershed Protection District gave. Meeting presentations are also available on the Council’s website.