Watershed Council News: February 28, 2013

March TAC Meetings – March 7 and 14
This is a reminder that three of our Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) will meet on Thursday March 7, 2013 to work on developing strong preliminary lists of projects and programs for our watershed management plan. The meetings will be at the EP Foster Topping Room, 651 E. Main Street, Ventura. Here is the March 7 schedule:

8:30 – 9:30 am – Sufficient Local Water Supplies
9:45 – 10:45 am – Clean Water
11:00 am – Noon – Integrated Flood Mgmt.
(Coordinated Watershed Planning will be discussed at each of the above meetings)

The agenda is very basic: we’ll mostly be working on project ideas and their wording/framing.

The following week, on Thursday March 14, three more TACs meet in the same location. Here’s the March 14 schedule:
1:15 – 2:15 pm – Access to Nature
2:30 – 3:30 pm – Healthy Ecosystems
3:45 – 4:45 – Responsible Land & Resource Mgmt.
(Coordinated Watershed Planning will be discussed at each of the above meetings)
The agenda for these meetings will be sent out next week.

The meetings are open to anyone interested. If you are unable to attend but have input on the draft project/program list below, please get me your input as soon as possible.

Here again are the review documents:

  • MAPP – (draft) Master Archive of Project & Program ideas (This file will download, but may not automatically open.) Minor revisions were made to the version sent out last week, mostly to the Evaluation Criteria. This is an Excel spreadsheet and is not set up for printing – it is too big. See the Word version below for printing.

USA Petrochem Site Ordered to Clean Up
If you’ve noticed the increase in activity at the Petrochem site the last couple of months, it is because the US EPA ordered the owners to clean up the oil-containing pipelines and tanks at the site. Here is an article about it from the Reporter earlier in the month.