September 3, 2013

New Nitrogen Concentration Map
The latest addition to our Map Atlas is a nitrogen concentration map. This map provides a quick look at average in-stream nitrate concentrations in the watershed over the last decade, as monitored by Santa Barbara Channelkeeper’s Stream Team.

September 5 Watershed Council Meeting
The Watershed Council meets this Thursday, September 5, 2013 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Topping Room of the Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street.

Below are links to several documents relevant to the meeting and issues we’ll be discussing (I’ve sent these previously as well): the agenda, a memo explaining the issues I’m asking the Council to provide direction on regarding the Watershed Management Plan (WMP), the current list of Tier 1 projects/programs (PDF), a link to the same projects/programs list in Excel, and a copy of our goals and objectives for the WMP.

This is an important meeting for our planning process, and as part of this Tully Clifford, director of the Ventura County Watershed Protection District, is on the agenda to discuss the District’s priorities and how these can best integrate with and be supported by our watershed management plan.

Staff memo to Council
Tier 1 Projects/Programs
Excel file of Tier 1 Projects/Programs (this file will download rather than open like the others)
Plan goals and objectives.