September 23, 2013

Check it Out! The Watershed Council has a New Videos Page!

You can see a fish swimming through the Robles Fish Passage Facility, water soaking into permeable pavement at the Government Center, people navigating the Ventura River, amazing footage of the 1998 flood – you’ll definitely want to watch that, or learn how the wastewater treatment plant works.

We’ve compiled various existing videos about the watershed on our page, we created one (see Snorkeling for Trout) and we’ll be adding to the page as we create new videos and learn about ones we missed.

This new page is another tool for the Council for getting the word out. We all know that these days we’ve grown accustomed to getting our information by watching as much as by reading. So we now have a platform that will allow us to take advantage of this.

Check it out at our website,, under the new “Media” tab (you may need to refresh your browser) or click here.

Kudos to Lisa Brenneis for pulling this together! And thanks to all who contributed videos.