June 30, 2014

New “SAVE MORE WATER” Website Launched!
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new web page focused on water conservation and water use efficiency.


The SAVE MORE WATER webpage, part of the Watershed Council’s website, serves as a clearinghouse of information on saving water throughout the watershed. The site features many videos, lists of upcoming classes and events, and links to water saving resources provided by local water suppliers and organizations—free equipment, rebates, free on-site irrigation surveys, and more.

SAVE MORE WATER is aimed at motivating and informing residential, commercial, and agricultural water users to conserve. We hope you like it and will help promote it. It is easy to add a link to SAVE MORE WATER on your own website. Here is an icon (and a smaller version) that you can use. The URL is http://venturawatershed.org/save-more-water. Let me know if you need any help setting that up.

Please be sure to send in information about upcoming classes and events so we can include them on the calendar. If we’ve missed any information you think we should add, do let us know. You’ll see that we are emphasizing videos on the site; please see our call for videos below.

Are you saving water in the Ventura River Watershed?


The Ventura River Watershed Council is looking for short videos featuring good local water-saving stories. Here is an example from a recent landscape restoration on Ventura’s Westside:

The videos don’t have to be fancy. The variety of local folks featured in the videos is just as important as the water saving tips.

We’d like stories from residents, farmers and businesses of all kinds, from young and old. Stories about water saved indoors and outdoors, about small savings and large savings. Funny stories, surprising stories. Show us what you are proud of, your great idea.

Explain how to do something, simple or not so simple. We’d like profiles of big water-saving projects (a large park or orchard, pipe repair at a water district).

See our Call for Videos flier for more information and guidelines.

Donate to Support Watershed Council Staff

You’ll find a new “Donate Now” opportunity on the Watershed Council’s website. The grant funding that has supported staff ends in December 2014. Donations will help us continue to provide administrative staff support to the Watershed Council. Donations are tax deductible.

Reminder: Updates to Project & Program List Due July 7
In 2013, the Watershed Council developed a preliminary Project & Program List for inclusion in the Ventura River Watershed Management Plan. At the June 2014 Council meeting, the Council discussed this comprehensive list and how it should be integrated into the plan.

The Council moved to keep the list inclusive, and to not attempt to rank or evaluate the proposed projects/programs any further. The Council also supported the idea of using 5-6 different campaigns in the plan as a way of characterizing the watershed management projects and programs that we are already doing and want to build upon with our proposed projects and programs.

With that in mind, the preliminary Project & Program List now needs to be revisited, updated, and finalized for the watershed management plan.

Any organization that submitted a project/program idea to the list, or that might like to add one, should read the instructions memo provided via link below and, using the other two documents provided, submit their updates or edits to the Project & Program List to me by July 8, 2014. Comments on the Campaigns Framework may also be submitted. 

We will discuss the revised list, along with how the projects/programs fit in with our implementation campaigns, at the August 7, 2014 meeting of the Watershed Council.

Project/Program List Updating – Instructions Memo to Council
Campaigns Framework

Master Archive of Projects and Programs Spreadsheet