July 17, 2014

New: Short Video on Free Ag Irrigation Surveys. 

As part of creating information for our new SAVE MORE WATER website, we created this short video profiling the free irrigation efficiency surveys available to large-scale and small-scale (i.e., hobby) farmers in the watershed. 

The Ventura County Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Casitas Municipal Water District have partnered to provide these services, which also include irrigation efficiency equipment rebates. For more information, contact Casitas at 805/649-2251 x110 or cmcintosh@casitaswater.com or the RCD at 805/216-3641. RCD’s website.

Check out other conservation videos on our website at http://venturawatershed.org/ventura-river-water-conservation-videos 

New Ecosystem Maps
Several new ecosystem maps have been created and added to our website’s online Map Atlas.

Regional Wildlife Corridors Map illustrates the wildlife movement corridors that have been documented in the watershed. The corridors provide critical, landscape-scale habitat linkages between existing protected wildlands.

Vegetation Map illustrates the vegetation communities in the watershed. Look at all that chaparral (in beige)! 

Wetlands & Riparian Areas Map shows the mapped wetlands and adjacent riparian areas in the watershed. Although some of our “wetlands” may not always be noticeably wet, especially after multiple dry years like now, these are areas where water collects subsurface, where plant growth is commonly more abundant, and upon which wildlife of all kinds are very dependent. Wetlands in the Ventura River watershed are predominantly associated with our streams and river, and Lake Casitas.

Reminder to Link to SAVE MORE WATER Website

The new SAVE MORE WATER website serves as a great clearinghouse of information on local water conservation programs and information. Please take a minute to add a link to the site from your website. It is easy to add a link. Here is an icon (and a smaller version) that you can use. The URL is http://venturawatershed.org/save-more-water. Let me know if you need any help setting that up. 

This Saturday, July 19 – Ventura River Estuary Clean-up
A Ventura River Estuary Clean-up will be held this Saturday, July 19, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. The Ventura Hillsides Conservancy will be clearing Arundo and picking up trash and litter from the Main Street Bridge all the way to the ocean with partners from California State Parks and Santa Barbara Channel Keeper. Volunteers from Ventura Surfrider and the US Navy Seabees will be helping us as well. There is plenty of work to be done and anyone interested is invited to come out and join in. Bring closed-toe shoes or boots, long pants, long sleeves, water, a hat and sun-protection. Park at the Peking Street lot off of Main Street by the bike path.

Aug 7 – Watershed Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Ventura River Watershed Council will be on Thursday, August 7, 2014, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Topping Room of the Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street. We’ll be working on the watershed management plan, specifically the plan’s findings and the implementation campaigns. Look for the agenda and meeting materials next week.