July 30, 2014

Draft Campaign Section for Review. 

At the August 7, 2014 meeting of the Ventura River Watershed Council we’ll be discussing two important draft sections of the watershed management plan: the Findings and the Campaigns.

Findings. The Findings draft was sent out last week and is provided again here. The Findings summarize those Ventura River watershed characteristics, strengths, and challenges that Watershed Council stakeholders find to be most significant.

Campaigns. The Watershed Council’s proposed projects and programs are organized into six focused “campaigns.” The campaign structure allows the Council to present desired new projects and programs framed in the context of the considerable watershed management work already underway. Each campaign is structured to:

  • State the campaign’s intent.
  • Describe the conditions—the threat, opportunity, or necessity of continued management.
  • Identify the campaign’s specific targets.
  • Highlight some of the projects, programs, and practices underway in this campaign area, including ways in which stakeholders are already working together and complementing one another’s work.
  • Present the Council’s proposed projects and programs that undertake to achieve that campaign’s intent.

The draft Campaign section is provided below in 7 separate documents – one for each of our 6 implementation campaigns, plus an introduction. These are photo-rich documents that showcase many of our existing projects, programs, and practices. We welcome more or better photos if you have them.

The Campaign Approach (intro)
River Connections Campaign
Resiliency through Infrastructure and Policy Campaign
Extreme Efficiency Campaign
Watershed-Smart Landscapes and Farms Campaign
Arundo-Free Watershed Campaign
Healthy San Antonio Creek Campaign

Note to reviewers: The only projects and programs featured in the campaigns are those from the Tier 1 Project/Program List. Tier 1 means they meet 1 or more objective, are feasible, have a Lead, and are generally supported. Tier 2 projects/programs either do not have a Lead, are of lower priority, or are otherwise not yet ripe for Tier 1 status. Now is a good time to review the project list, in case a Tier 2 project should be moved up to Tier 1. Also, several new projects have been added to the list since the Tiers were assigned.

Below is a list of all the projects and programs other than Tier 1 (Tier 2 + new projects). If your organization would like to assume Lead status for any of these projects, please let me know. Lead status means you are willing to be a grant applicant and/or lead the project’s implementation.
Tier 2 + New Projects List

If you have any comments on the draft Findings or Campaigns, and can send those in ahead of the August 7 meeting (in Word in Track Changes preferably), then that will help make the discussion at the meeting more effective and efficient.

Thank you!

July 30 Drought Informational Meeting for Ventura Water Customers
Ventura Water customers are invited to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, July 30 about the status of Ventura’s water supplies, water conservation efforts, and future planning. The public meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room at Ventura City Hall, 501 Poli Street. The information will include statewide water waste response actions to be implemented soon, as required by the State Water Resources Control Board’s resolution adopted on July 15.

Aug. 6 Ojai Water Quality Mixer 
You are invited to join with friends and staff from the Ventura County Resource Conservation District to discuss current water quality issues, pending regulations, and ways to improve conditions in the Ventura River watershed and the greater Ojai Valley.

The event will be held Wednesday, August 6, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, at the Ojai Valley Museum, 130 W. Ojai Ave. Ojai. Food and wine will be served. Please RSVP to dmbogdanich@gmail.com, or 805/764-5135, or www.vcrcd.org/water-quality-mixer

Aug. 7 Watershed Council Meeting 
The next meeting of the Ventura River Watershed Council will be on Thursday, August 7, 2014, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Topping Room of the Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street.
Here is the agenda.