February 19, 2015

March 5 Watershed Council Meeting. 
The next meeting of the Ventura River Watershed Council will be on Thursday, March 5, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Topping Room of the Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street.

Consideration of approval of the final watershed management plan is a key agenda item. The final draft plan is available on the Council’s website.

Also on the agenda: a report summarizing Santa Barbara Channelkeeper’s data logger monitoring results for 2013 and 2014, including dissolved oxygen and water levels; an update on efforts to form a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for Upper Ventura River Basin; an overview from Casitas Municipal Water District of water supply status and urban water use reduction successes; consideration of a proposal to change the Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County’s steering committee structure by adding three seats for regional entities; and a discussion about project ideas for the upcoming round of Proposition 84 funding.

Here is the agenda.

March 7 Free Class: Water Wise Gardening and Lawn Alternatives
The City of Ventura’s next Water Wise Gardens class will be held on March 7, 2015, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. These classes offer practical information on creating water wise gardens. They address turf alternatives, native and climate-appropriate plants, converting spray to drip irrigation, and other ways to rethink traditional thirsty landscapes. Refreshments will be provided. Informational flier.

The free class will be held at the City’s Maintenance Yard at 336 San Jon Road, Ventura.