November 13, 2015

Nov. 5 Watershed Council Meeting Update

Thank you to all who attended the Ventura Watershed Council meeting on November 5th. In addition to the items on the agenda, we had some great discussions about the watershed in times of high flows and how to prioritize programs and projects for 2016 given the uncertainty of storms and potential storm damage this winter. Jeff Palmer of Ojai Valley Sanitary District showed us what it looks like to have roots in your sewer laterals (see photo).  Roots
Are You Ready for El Niño?

Learn how to prepare your horse property for a very wet winter. The workshop agenda includes an overview of watersheds and floodplain, problems and BMP solutions, success stories, and more. A light breakfast will be included. This event is free. Please RSVP at or (805) 764-5135.

Saturday November 21, 10:30am- 12:30pm
At Help of Ojai’s Little House.
111 W. Santa Ana Street. Ojai
Fisheries Restoration Funding Now Available!

The Coastal Conservancy announces Round 2 of its Proposition 1 Grant Program. For the second competitive grant round, the Conservancy invites project proposals that protect and enhance anadromous fish habitat. Link to the complete Proposal Solicitation.  A Word version of the application is available here.

Proposals for Round 2 are due to the Conservancy on December 31, 2015.

An informational webinar was held on Thursday November 12 at 1pm, information about the webinar and the program are available on the Conservancy’s website
Watershed Stewardship Program Assistance Available!

For over 22 years, the Watershed Stewards Program (WSP) has been engaged in comprehensive, community-based watershed restoration and education throughout coastal California. The primary focus of WSP is to assist communities and organizations with habitat restoration for salmonids in order to rehabilitate these threatened and endangered species to healthy and historic populations. Additionally, WSP provides watershed education and out-reach to high-need communities throughout the state, engages WSP Members in volunteer efforts to increase the capacity of partner organizations, and helps Members develop into the next generation of natural resource professionals.

Each year, WSP places approximately 50 Members with natural resource organization Placement Sites throughout California to work collaboratively for their 10 1/2 month service term. This year, 2 Members are are working out of the Santa Barbara California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW) and the Camarillo California Conservation Corps (CCC) offices. All Members come from diverse backgrounds across the country and internationally, and are all united by their love of natural resources and their passion for service. Members serve under the guidance and mentorship or resource professionals in collaboration with local landowners, public agencies, and private agencies to assess, monitor, and enhance watersheds.

During their service, Members participate in a wide array of activities, including:

  • Regular watershed recovery and protection work with their Placement Site
  • Teaching the Wonders of Watersheds (WOW) curriculum in Title I schools
  • Engaging their community in watershed outreach
  • Creating and implementing their Watershed Project, and recruiting community volunteers
  • Training and professional development opportunities

WSP’s partners greatly value the work Members accomplish. In 2015, WSP was honored by the California Volunteers with the “Most Significant Enhancement to an Existing Program” award for their focus on water conservation projects in response to California’s drought. Due to WSP’s powerful partnerships, the program has proven to be a career launching point that provides its Members direct experience and valuable training that other entry level positions rarely offer.

Local mentors, Tom van Meeuwen (CCC) and Dana McCanne (CDFW) are interested in giving their Members a varied experience. If you have a opportunity, project, task, and/or  event that the WSP’s could assist with, please contact either mentor directly. WSP Members are fully funded and insured and are available at no cost for suitable activities.

Contact :
Tom van Meeuwen, California Conservation Corps
Dana McCanne, California Dept of Fish & Wildlife

Next Council Meeting January 7, 2016 at 9am – Save the Date!