April 5, 2017

Thursday April 13 – Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County (WCVC) Meeting

The Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County (WCVC) is the county-wide umbrella organization of the Ventura River Watershed Council for the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) program. With upcoming IRWM Proposition 1 grant funding opportunities for Disadvantaged Community Engagement and Implementation projects, this will be an important meeting for all project leads to attend. There is a full agenda with something for everyone, so please save the date.

State Water Project Connection Meeting Video Available Online

Supervisor Steve Bennett hosted a meeting to discuss the issue of connecting to the State Water Project on Wednesday March 22, 2017. Panelists Shana Epstein, General Manager of Ventura Water, Susan Mulligan, General Manager of Calleguas Municipal Water District, Joshua Haggmark, Water Resources Manager for the City of Santa Barbara, Mauricio Guardado, General Manager for United Water Conservation District, and Steve Wickstrum, General Manager for Casitas Municipal Water District spoke about the planned project including environmental impacts, costs, and other considerations associated with the new connection to State Water.

You can view the entire meeting online at http://www.ventura.org/steve-bennett

FRGP Grant Deadline Extended

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) through the Fisheries Restoration Grant Program is soliciting proposals for projects that restore, enhance, or protect anadromous salmonid habitat in California. The proposal due date has been extended and proposals are now due May 4th.  For additional information visit www.wildlife.ca.gov/Grants/FRGP/Solicitation

Grant Funding from the Coastal Conservancy

The California Coastal Conservancy is accepting applications for multi-benefit projects. Applications are due on May 31st. An informational webinar was held on April 4th, you can view the presentation here. For more information about this grant opportunity, please visit http://scc.ca.gov/webmaster/grants/SCC_Prop1_R7_Proposal_Solicitation.pdf

Southern California Grant Workshop Presentations Available Online

Materials from the March 2nd, 2017 Proposition 1 Funding Opportunities in Southern California Workshop are now available online. Including presentations given by: California Fish and Wildlife, California Coastal Conservancy, and Wildlife Conservation Board.

Next Watersheds Council Meeting

The next Ventura River Watershed Council Meeting will be on Thursday May 4th  from 11am-1:30pm at the Bell Arts Factory.

April 20 – Stormwater Project Funding Webcast

The Strategy To Optimize Resource Management of Stormwater (STORMS) Seminar Series is part of an ongoing effort by the State Water Board to share current information on stormwater management strategies, technologies, policies, and news relating to stormwater. As part of the ongoing STORMS Seminar Series, Michael G. Colantuono, Attorney at Law, Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, will be speaking about a variety of legislative efforts, legal cases, and ballot measures that have formed the foundation of these financial constraints. This seminar will explore some of the legal cases and ongoing efforts to address the municipal finance of stormwater projects.

Municipal Finance of Stormwater Projects
Thursday, April 20, 2017, 10:00 – 11:30 AM
Webcast: https://video.calepa.ca.gov/
You can register for the seminar in Sacramento or the webcast at:  stormwaterfinance.eventbrite.com

April 25 – Training – Enhancing Stream Flows to Support Anadramous Fish

The Tri-County FISH Team in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, present:

Enhancing Stream Flows to Support Anadromous Fish
April 25, 2017, 1-5pm, La Casa de Maria, 800 El Bosque Road, Santa Barbara
Registration $30: http://www.centralcoastsalmon.com/new-events

Join agency staff, consultants and conservation professionals as we hear about programs and projects to enhance stream flows in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties for steelhead trout. Speakers include Natasha Lohmus, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Regina Hirsch, Sierra Watershed Progressive; Moe Gomez, South Coast Habitat Restoration; and Tom Hicks, Hicks Law. Topics to be covered include:

  • Onsite Water Conservation and Watershed Evaluation
  • Landowner Outreach and Coordination
  • Water Law, Voluntary Water Transactions, and Instream Transfers

The training will be held at La Casa de Maria Retreat and Conference Center. A tour of the facility will include what is currently being planned at the site for voluntary stream flow enhancement through onsite water conservation measures. An agenda with directions to the venue will be provided to registrants prior to the training.

For more information and questions please contact Natasha.Lohmus@wildlife.ca.gov  or steph@centralcoastsalmon.com
Draft Water Background and Other Documents available for Comment Ventura County General Plan Update

The Ventura River Watershed Council was one of many groups that encouraged the Ventura County Board of Supervisors to include a Water Element in the comprehensive Ventura County General Plan Update. New documents are available for review and comment including the Draft Background Report, the Assets, Issues and Opportunities Summary, and the General Plan Update Newsletter.

Please take some time to visit VC2040.org/documents and review these first documents that will help shape the next 20 years of Ventura County’s growth and change. Hard copies of the documents are also available for review at the planning counter in the Ventura County Government Center, 800 South Victoria Ave, Ventura CA.