December 5, 2017

Fire and Water Safety Information,

BOIL WATER ORDER December 5, 2017 CASITAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS ADVISORY COULD RESULT IN STOMACH OR INTESTINAL ILLNESS. The fire emergency in the Ojai Valley and power outages and have caused a loss of pressure and/or water supply in the upper Ojai Valley. The California Department of Health Services and the Casitas Municipal Water District Are advising Casitas’ customers in the Upper Ojai Valley in the areas of Chumash Rd, Sulfur Mountain Rd, Tree Ranch Rd, High Winds Rd, and Mountain Lion Rd to use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes as a safety precaution. ALL TAP WATER USED FOR DRINKING AND COOKING SHOULD BE BOILED TO A ROLLING BOIL FOR APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) MINUTE. THIS IS THE PREFERRED METHOD TO ASSURE THAT THE WATER IS SAFE TO DRINK. An alternative method of purification for residents who do not have gas or electricity available is to use fresh liquid household bleach (Chlorox, Purex, etc.). To do so, mix in eight (8) drops (or ¼ teaspoon) of bleach per gallon of water, and allow to stand for 30 minutes before using. Be sure to mix thoroughly. If the water looks cloudy or dirty, you should not drink it. A chlorine-like taste and odor will result from this purification procedure and is an indication that adequate disinfection has taken place. Water treatment, and water quality testing are being conducted by the Water Company to resolve this emergency water supply problem. The Casitas Municipal Water District will notify residents as soon as the water supply is restored and the water is safe to drink. For more information visit
The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, in conjunction with Ventura Water, are also advising all City of Ventura residents to use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposed as a safety precaution. Ventura boil advisory and updates can be found at
For more information regarding the evacuations in Ventura County, road closures, and to donate please visit You can also view a map of all current fires here.

Please note that many meetings have been cancelled due to the fire and will be re-scheduled. Please take necessary precautions and be safe.