July 20, 2015

Aug. 6 Watershed Council Meeting.  The next Watershed Council meeting will take place on Thursday, August 6, 2015. (Note: the July 2015 agenda indicated the meeting would be on August 13 - this has changed.) This meeting will be held at the City of Ventura's "VenturaWaterPure" direct potable reuse demonstration plant at...Read More

July 7, 2015

July 9 Council Meeting Agenda.  The next meeting of the Watershed Council will be this Thursday, July 9, 2015, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Topping Room of the Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street. We'll have an opportunity at this meeting for an extended discussion about current happenings; and the discussion will be organized...Read More

June 22, 2015

New Website Photo Gallery.  In response to your requests, I've added a Photo Gallery to the Watershed Council's website. The gallery features many of the photos used in the recently completed Ventura River Watershed Management Plan. I've got lots more photos and so do you; we can add more photos over time. If...Read More

May 4, 2015

New Groundwater Page on Website.  We've added "Groundwater" to the menu bar of the Watershed Council's website, in order to provide stakeholders with current information on the Groundwater Sustainability Act and its implementation in our watershed. There are three pages in the Groundwater menu: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Upper Ventura River Basin...Read More

April 30, 2015

May 7 Council Meeting Agenda.  The next meeting of the Ventura River Watershed Council will be next Thursday, May 7, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, in the Topping Room of the Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street. On the agenda: Gerhardt Hubner, with Ventura County Watershed Protection District, will provide an update on...Read More

April 20, 2015

Apr 23 Ventura General Plan Update - Scoping Meetings. The Ventura County General Plan is the document that embodies the vision for land use in unincorporated Ventura County. Most of the land inside the Ventura River watershed, 49%, is governed by this plan. (Much of the rest, 48%, is governed by the US Forest Service; 3% is governed...Read More

Apri 17, 2015

Apr. 23 Public Outreach Meeting on the Formation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Upper Ventura River Groundwater Basin.  A public outreach meeting will be held on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Road in Oak View, to discuss the formation of a Groundwater...Read More

April 9, 2015

Drought News.  Statewide Mandatory Cutbacks. On April 1, 2015, the Governor issued an Executive Order (B-29-15) outlining actions needed to respond to the severe drought in California, including - for the first time in California history - state requirements for mandatory cutbacks. The order outlines restrictions intended to achieve a statewide 25% reduction in potable urban water usage...Read More

March 27, 2015

Apr 14 Evening Council Meeting Agenda.  The next meeting of the Watershed Council will be on Tuesday April 14, 2015. This will be an evening meeting, from 6:00-8:30 pm, at the Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Rd., Oak View. The entire meeting will be devoted to presentations and discussions about the endangered southern California...Read More

March 19, 2015

Date Change: April 14 Evening Council Meeting to Focus on Steelhead. Please remark your calendars. The next meeting of the Watershed Council will be on Thursday, April 14, 2015. The date had to be changed from April 9 because it conflicted with a related meeting. My apologies for any inconvenience. This will...Read More