April 18, 2013

Are there projects or programs you want included in the WMP or the IRWMP? The Watershed Council and its Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) have been working on developing a comprehensive list of projects and programs to be included in the Ventura River Watershed Management Plan (WMP) and the update to the Integrated...Read More

Watershed Council News: March 11, 2013

March 14 TAC Meetings This is a reminder that three of our Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) will meet on Thursday March 14, 2013 to work on developing preliminary lists of projects and programs for our watershed management plan. The meetings, which are open to anyone, will be at the EP Foster Topping...Read More

Watershed Council News: February 28, 2013

March TAC Meetings - March 7 and 14 This is a reminder that three of our Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) will meet on Thursday March 7, 2013 to work on developing strong preliminary lists of projects and programs for our watershed management plan. The meetings will be at the EP Foster Topping...Read More

Watershed Council News: February 21, 2013

Master Archive of Project & Program ideas (MAPP) Get Your Projects on the MAPP! We need to start working on project and program ideas now for two reasons: 1) in order to provide a list from our watershed, by the end of June, for inclusion in the update to the Ventura County...Read More

Watershed Council News: January 8, 2013

Jan. 15 Climate Change Subcommittee Meeting A Climate Change Subcommittee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, from 10:00 am - noon in the Topping Room of the EP Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street. At this meeting we will continue work on an assessment of our specific vulnerabilities to...Read More

Ventura River Watershed News: December 21, 2012

Cheese! Algae! Notch It! Ventura River Watershed Council members, December 13, 2012 Photo: Lisa Brenneis Jan. 15, 2013 Climate Change Subcommittee Meeting Planned At the December 13, 2012 Council meeting, the group thought that the effort to characterize our watershed's vulnerability to climate change needed more attention, so a climate change subcommittee meeting...Read More

Watershed Council News: December 14, 2012

Approved Goals & Objectives At yesterday's (December 13) Watershed Council meeting, a set of goals and objectives were approved, along with an amendment to our guiding values, that will serve as the framework for our watershed management plan. Thanks again to all who contributed to this important work! Here is a link...Read More

Ventura River Watershed News – December 10, 2012

Recommended Objectives  Below is a link to the recommended objectives for our watershed management plan, which we will be discussing and possibly approving at our Watershed Council meeting this Thursday, December 13. The meeting will be held in the Topping Room of the EP Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street, Ventura, and will run...Read More

Ventura River Watershed News – December 5, 2012

Dec. 13 Watershed Council Meeting Agenda Below are links to the meeting agenda and related materials for our December 13 Watershed Council meeting. We will reviewing, and hopefully approving, the final recommendations for our watershed management plan's goals and objectives. We'll refine an assessment of our watershed's vulnerabilities to climate change. The UCSB...Read More